grab the library

Plug-and-play your website copy with the help of wireframed templates.

Website copy templates for service-based businesses.

Plug-In Website Copy Template Library

That’s A LOT of business $$$ you’re missing.

Think about where you share content:

Instagram? K cool. Me too. But do you want tons of people DMing you asking for rates all the time? That’s exciting at first, but it’s not scalable. So many clients come to me because they’re drained from answering tons of questions in the DMs only to have people ghost. I funnel all Insta-leads to my website.

LinkedIn? Same deal here. You have to work for every lead to book a discovery call because there’s nothing repeatable in place. Talk about a time suck.

Referrals? Great. A past client shares your info with a friend, then that friend clicks to your website, but they leave just as fast because they’re confused about what you can actually do for them. They aren’t sold, so they don’t reach out.

If you’re thinking: “I thought marketing brought in leads?” ...You’re half right. Yes, you need to focus on marketing. But if you set up your website strategically, it will also keep those leads moving through the buying journey.

But did you know that your website should generate leads for you?

If you’re here, you probably know that you absolutely need a website if you want to grow.

But then there’s the fact that creating a website is tough. It’s an overwhelming task, so maybe you’ve pushed it to the bottom of your to-do list.

It can be expensive to hire a copywriter to create custom conversion copy for your website.

And it can take a while to get on a good copywriter’s schedule (the best ones definitely won’t be able to do it this week for you, and you needed it yesterday).

This resource makes copywriting so easy that I bet you could write your entire website in an afternoon… 

A huge component of my signature Client Attraction Equation™ is paying attention to your website copy. Maybe you’ve tried writing your website copy on your own, but you give up totally stumped with what to actually say in order to attract dream clients. Maybe you have an idea of what you want to say, but you don’t know what should go where from a technical perspective. Whatever you’re doing, you’re obviously still stuck if you’re here.

With no involvement from me.

Beyond that, my process helps leads self-qualify and book calls if my services align with their needs.

It guides readers from their initial entry point to the offers relevant to them.

It sells them on my personality and special way of doing things.

It gets them into my pipeline when they submit their email.

My copy runs literally on autopilot so that when I’m busy doing other things like client work, or sleeping, or binge-watching Selling Sunset, it’s generating solid leads.

Your website should work for you.

get an all-access pass

When you purchase the Plug-In Website Copy Template Library, you’ll be given access to a personal private dashboard. This also includes instructions on how to best use this resource and tips to best write your website copy. There’s a mix of videos and downloads for you to duplicate then plug-and-play.

2 x home page templates

2 x about page templates

2 x offer/services page templates

Newsletter block swipes to get more email subscribers

Swipes for contact pages, application/contact forms, 404 error pages, and more...

How-to-use-this videos for each core category

What’s included?

Quit stressing about what to say and instead just plug-and-play your website copy with this template library. Seriously, it’s a no brainer. I challenge you to try to (finally) launch your website today using these. Grab your copy. Clear your afternoon. Get to writing.

Even if you’ve already tried other templates (free or otherwise) and didn’t find them flexible enough, or clear enough, or whatever enough, these will work for you.

There’s nothing else holding you back from making it happen now.

Queue: The Plug-In Website Copy Template Library.

“Jill's email templates saved me AT LEAST 4+ hours when I was putting together all of the canned emails for my automation system in Dubsado. I'm a copywriter, so I was hesitant about using templates to write the emails within my client experience, but here's why I think these templates are so valuable: all I had to do was go through and add my unique voice -- Jill had already built the foundation for me. It would have taken me forever to do that, and I definitely would have forgotten details if I tried to write all my canned emails (there are soo many)  

“Even though I’m a copywriter, setting up my Dubsado canned emails was a bit of a slog and I felt like I didn’t know where to begin. Jill’s emails gave me a framework to what I should set up in the back end of Dubsado, as well as a jumping-off point for the tone of voice I wanted to use for my clients.” “Jill is an exceptional person. I love her work and I’ve been using her canned email templates. They are amazing and make my life easier. Thank you Jill.” “Even though I’m a copywriter, setting up my Dubsado canned emails was a bit of a slog and I felt like I didn’t know where to begin. Jill’s emails gave me a framework to what I should set up in the back end of Dubsado, as well as a jumping-off point for the tone of voice I wanted to use for my clients. Even though I’m a copywriter, setting up my Dubsado canned emails was a bit of a slog 

Here’s what others say about it…

— Julie Quinne, Leadership Strategist

“Jill Wise listens to her clients, understands our needs, and creates products and services that hit the nail right on the head. I can trust that anything I purchase from her or her Biz Bar has been made with custom care while allowing me to implement it in my own unique voice. It's practical magic.”

—  Jessica Bearss, Freelance Writer

"Your template has given me the confidence to sell myself and my services. Otherwise, I think I’d have five pages of ‘this is what I do’ as opposed to ‘this is what I can do for YOU.’ I’ve purchased a few templates already but this one was above and beyond. In fact, I was surprised it didn’t cost more! Thank you for providing so much value in one place. ”

I’m a new(ish) copywriter. Can I use these templates to write better for my clients?

Does this come with training to write my website copy too?

How long do I have access to the materials inside?

I’m a new(ish) copywriter. Can I use these templates to write better for my clients?

Does this come with training to write my website copy too?

How long do I have access to the materials inside?

You have lifetime access to this product as explained in the Terms & Conditions.

I’m a new(ish) copywriter. Can I use these templates to write better for my clients?

Does this come with training to write my website copy too?

Not really. I can’t help myself but give quick tips, but the training is more about how to use the templates rather than how to write your website copy start to finish. The value is in the tools that save you time because you just need to plug in your own words. For all that guidance, you might want to check out Conversion Class.

How long do I have access to the materials inside?

I’m a new(ish) copywriter. Can I use these templates to write better for my clients?

Yes! Use them however you’d like. You just can’t sell them as your own or lead people to believe that you created these, following the terms and conditions.

Does this come with training to write my website copy too?

How long do I have access to the materials inside?

frequently asked questions

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