This is gonna be fun.

Step up to The Biz Bar—

I’m a firm believer that business is done best your way, but also get the desperate need for no BS guidance as you build and grow. While I love seeing you do your thing, it’s also nice when someone gives it to you straight, right? “Tell me exactly what I need to do.” ← That’s what this is.

Whoever decided that business should be hard… Can f*ck right off.

Recreate your work-life reality in 2 hours or less.


first, Align + Integrate

build foundations


Step 1 in building a sustainable and profitable business is creating a sales pipeline. Your website is the biggest gap to fill, so start here! Use this template library to write fresh website copy ASAP.

Set up sales and marketing systems to bring in cash consistently.

Plug-in website copy template library


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Lead Magnets
Made Easy Training



Opt-In Friendly Email Marketing Templates


After you have leads coming in consistently, you can optimize *how* you do business. Save hours setting up or improving your CRM with client-facing canned email templates stolen straight from the backend of my 6-figure business.

Streamline internal systems and create an elevated client experience.

client-facing Canned email templates

maximize growth



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An intimate hybrid-style mastermind combining private coaching, consulting, and a like-minded micro-community for multi-passionate, growing copywriters, marketers, and freelancers.

You’re so over going it alone and need tailored mentorship from someone who’s done the thing... And helped others scale too.

the inner circle mastermind

dream + scale

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emails you actually want to read...